Andrew Beale
Andrew Beale

Andrew Beale

Andrew joined Arete in 2003 and is based in the firm's London office. He focuses on telecoms/cable in US and EU. Prior to Arete, Andrew spent nine years as an analyst at several investment banks including Deutsche Bank and UBS, specialising in wireless and UK/EU telcos. Before this, he spent a year in corporate finance at Bankers Trust, and five years consulting at PA Consulting Group to telecoms and CATV operators, banks, regulators and customers.


Phone: +44 (0)20 7959 1316

Alex Pound
Alex Pound

Alex Pound

Alex joined Arete in 2021 and is based in the firm's London office. He is part of the telcos, cable & media team. Prior to joining Arete, Alex worked for three years at Ruffer Investment Management as an Investment Associate. Alex graduated from Durham University with a BA in Economics.


Phone: +44 (0)20 7959 1307

Pierre-Marie D'Ornano
Pierre-Marie D'Ornano

Pierre-Marie D'Ornano

Pierre-Marie joined Arete in 2022 and is based in the firm's London office. He is part of the Telecommunications & Media team, working with Alex and Andrew. Prior to joining Arete, Pierre-Marie worked at Groupama Asset Management as an Equity Analyst. He graduated from UCL with a BSc in Economics & Geography and London Business School with an MSc in Management.


Phone: +44 (0)20 7959 1319


Covered by Andrew Beale, Alex Pound & Pierre-Marie D'Ornano